Posh Dog and Feline Logo


**Prices will vary depending on your pet's size, demeanor, cooperation, coat type, coat length, and your haircut preferences.

View our Policies

Dog Services

Full Groom: Services includes full body haircut, shampoo, conditioner, blueberry facial, brush and blowout, ears plucked if needed and always cleaned, nails cut/filed, anal glands by request only. Enzymatic tooth paste applied (please provide tooth brush for brushing). Paws, eye corners, visor and sanitary are trimmed/shaved. Optional bow/bandana/tie.

Bath & Tidy: De-shed if needed, shampoo and conditioner, blueberry facial scrub, blow out and brush. Ears plucked if needed and always cleaned. Anal glands by request only. Nails are cut and or filed. Enzymatic tooth paste applied (please provide tooth brush for brushing). If applicable trimmings are feet, sanitary trim, eye corners and visor trim. All other trimming requests are considered part of the full groom and haircut pricing structure. Optional bow/bandana/tie.

Flea and Tick: If we discover your pet is covered and or infested with fleas or especially ticks we must be allowed to use our flea and tick shampoo prior to continuing the groom. The reason for this policy is if we allow the ticks to remain on skin while we shave your pets coat or brush them out, any ticks that or cut and or killed via brushing or shaving or clipping will leave their embedded heads in the pets skin resulting in possible infection that can be dangerous/deadly to your pet. Especially if the pet does not seek veterinarian care after. $25 additional charge for small to med size dog or cat. $50 for larger breeds.

Dematting: Matting or pelting coats; If a client would like to prevent shaving the pet's body ears and or tail due to matting/pelting, groomer may attempt to detangle or dematt to save fur on the whole body, ears and tail as long as the pet is tolerant of the dematting process and causes no pain to the pet. This takes a lot of extra time in order to keep the pet's grooming experience pleasant, each tangle and knot over the time of brushing it out can irritate the skin underneath. If the coat is too far gone and unable to be saved the groomer will shave the necessary areas that the stylist believes should be shaved, otherwise the stylist will have to decline service to your pet all together and a trip charge of $75 is due immediately. If coat is left matted and pelted it will eventually result in irritated skin prone to infestation, sores and infection, also please note that by removing the pelting coat, the pet's skin is still prone to irritation inflammation and a rush of blood to the pelted location. If an extreme case of dematting is to occur on your pet you the client should seek veterinary care after grooming or have their grooming for removal of said pelting to comence at a veternarians clinic incase of emergancy. Dematting charges are at a rate of $25 for every 10 mins spent dematting or $75 for every 30 mins spent dematting the pet's coat.

Cat Services

Cat Haircut: Includes nails clipped, ears cleaned, hygienic facial cleanse and low-stress groom process. Optional bath (either dry or watered depending on your cat's tolerance level). Lion clip preferences are typically short on the body with either a full tail left or lion tail, lion mane or no mane left, and boots or blended legs.

Cat Bath & Brush: Includes nails clipped, ears cleaned, hygienic facial wash, shampooing watered bath with blow dry and brushing. Your cat must be blow-dryer tolerant if they have a medium to long coat, and mostly dried upon return. The reason for this is because if your feline is returned wet it could encourage your cat's coat to matt up. Optionally we offer dry baths, for a waterless bathing process. Signs of stress during the blow dryer and bathing process include: levitation, flailing, scaling the walls, vomit, defecation, urination, and of course vicious aggression, biting, batting/ swatting and bunny kicks. If any of the prior behaviors described occur maybe once or twice for a couple seconds it is at the stylist's discretion to decide whether or not to proceed with the groom. You will be notified as to their process and how everything went.

Cat Add-on Services: This is an add on service to the cat bath and brush or full groom service. Cat Flea and tick ($25), sanitary/belly shave ($25), and or nail caps ($20).

Special Services

Senior Pets: We consider a senior to be a 10 years or older canine or feline. We understand that they are experienced and have had many years either with you or somewhere else. Seniors can have a lot going on, we know their joints are sore, energy can be in spurts or none existent, paws can be tender or tough as rocks, they have bumps, lumps, warts, skin tags, scares with plenty of stories to tell. Their mouths might have been in need of a dental job but are now too frail and old to go through the anesthesia, we know that they can't get up into a car, tub or table like they used to. We know they know who they can trust and who they can't. We know they may be moody and short tempered. But in all we know we can help in some way. With our senior pets we aim to offer a low stress comfort groom and in a minimal time frame. They get their breaks when they need them and conduct our process based on their energy spurts, they want to lay down? Not a problem, let's do nails. Feel like standing? Let's dry your belly. Not as limber as you used to be? Let's try a different approach. You still absolutely hate that blow dryer around your face. Let's eliminate it all together. There is a lower stress solution for almost every part of their groom and we have the most professional experienced stylists that knows just what to do.

Puppies / Kittens / Newbies: This first, second and third groom is without a doubt the most crucial moments of your pet's grooming career/avocation. We lay the foundation of memories that your puppy or kitten resorts to for all future grooms. We counter your young ones energy level, if they are high strung and wired we maintain an extremely, almost non existent energy, level. If they are scared stiff and afraid of the world falling down on them, we show them a little excitement and more bubbly kisses to raise their spirits. We introduce the bath, blower, nail trimming and brushing. Clippers and scissors are very sharp and it is very easy to nick and cut their skin if the young one is not ready. It is also very easy to make them scared of things such as the blower, the brushing, or the clippers and even holding their chin. The stylist has to have the most gentle touch but firm at just the exact right moment. A foundation of training is continuously taught from the moment you transfer the leash over to us to the moment we return him or her back.

Aggressive Pets: We do not service aggressive pets, this will be a case by case basis and at the groomer's discreation and pricing.

Service Area Map

Service Area Map